Hi, I'm Vincent! I'm an amateur screenwriter, director, editor, and cinematographer, and I've been making movies since I was 5 and uploading them to the internet since I was 9. These movies often involved my toys, and as I've evolved as a filmmaker, I've often been drawn back to them, entranced by the childlike wonder, personality, and empathy that I can convey using these artifacts of childhood as props in miniature worlds.
It is my goal to sew both these imaginary lands and my own together through my directing, and hopefully, provide some inspiration and comfort in the stories I choose to tell within them. It is my belief that everyone has a story, and I'd like to be one of those who tell them.
You can explore my projects by using the tabs along the top, and view any of my completed/executed scripts under the Behind the Scenes tab!
Whatever's more important to you
You've got to choose what you wanna do
Whatever's more important to be
Well that's the view that you've gotta see
- Paul McCartney